Welcome to ERi, a software
development and services company
focused on IBM z/OS computing.

- Enterprise Research, Inc. (ERi) is a privately held software and technical services company founded in 1991 and based in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. ERi produces security and productivity tools for the IBM Host-based community, characterized by strategic z/OS operating system integration technology.
- ERi has earned a reputation for system products that are distinctive in their user-friendly interface, their interactive system administration components, and their compatibility with other system software.
- ERi has demonstrated a commitment to delivering high quality, cost-effective solutions to requirements for systems support and integrated system software components in the IBM mainframe environment.

- ERi/CICS is an integrated set of management and security tools for CICS. Features include terminal locking, user monitoring, shared userid control, CICS single sign-on.
- ERi/LOGR has reached end-of-life status and is no longer supported.

ERi also provides technical support and systems programming services. ERi has delivered system software, technical support, and systems programming services to a wide variety of firms including commercial clients as well as state and local government agencies.

ERi is a member of the "IBM Business Partner" program. As a member of this association, ERi operates its own development system, installing and maintaining multiple releases of IBM system software. IBM provides these developers with programs and services including access to early releases of software and direct contact with IBM technical support.

- In the US, ERi provides sales and technical support. Internationally, ERi software products are distributed by independent software distributors.
- Based in São Paulo, Brazil, OSI Tecnologia represents ERi in South America.