CICS TS 6.1 support now available
With ERi/CICS release 4.1.1 maintenance has been applied as required to keep ERI/CICS compatible with the latest releases of CICS.
In addition, several ERI fixes have been applied.
- ERi technical support staff provide problem determination and resolution services
including free product upgrades for all licensees who have current maintenance.
- Normal office hours are 8:30 AM to 5:00 PM EST. During off hours, your call will be forward to ERi's 24 hour call center.
For severity-one type problems your contact information will be passed to the on-call technical support person.
Technical Support can be reached at 919/390-3215.
- To download a free, desktop-quality PDF format of the ERi/CICS User's Manual (648KB), click here.
You'll need an Adobe Acrobat Reader, which is free and downloadable from Adobe's Web Site.
ERi product development staff are available to help you learn, install, implement, and use the ERi/CICS tools.
Additionally, on-site installation and demonstrations are available at no charge to active trials.
ERi provides maintenance upgrades, fixes, and other special purpose routines to active clients. Please contact ERi Technical Support
to obtain a valid userid and password before accessing the ERi/CICS 3.1.1 Software Library.