An integrated set of management
and security tools for CICS

CICS-DupS provides two facilities. The first controls the number of concurrent CICS sessions a single userid is permitted. The limit can range from 0-99, where 0 allows unlimited access. This Session Control facility supports exclusion by CICS userid. More precise control of user access is provided by a multi-session mask feature that can restrict sign-on based on termid or VTAM LU-name. The controls and exclusions for the Session Control facility can be updated dynamically by the CICS-DupS Manager.

The Duplicate Session Control for CICS
"... a flexible control that prevents the abuse of shared userids and allows swapping between CICS applications from a single terminal session."
A southeastern bank contracts with a data entry services provider to process daily transactions. If contract staff share userids, the audit capability essential for these transactions is compromised. But other job functions have different sharing requirements. Some personnel are authorized for multiple concurrent sessions when performing specified tasks.
The challenge:
To assure unique sign-ons for restricted functions while maintaining the flexibility to support multiple access where appropriate.
The solution:
CICS-DupS beefs up your security by giving you control of the number of concurrent sessions permitted for a single userid. Concurrent access authorization can be varied by excluding userids or by restricting multiple sessions to single device. Session limits and exclusions are dynamic and may be altered on the fly. CICS-DupS includes a convenient swap facility that supports two concurrent applications from a single session. CICS-DupS runs independently of existing sign-on facilities and requires no tweaking of local code.
Bottom line:
Improved CICS security with flexible session controls.
Features and Benefits:
- Improves security
- Eliminates shared userid problems
- Supports dynamic, installation defined, limits and exclusions
- Supports swapping between two applications on one terminal session
- Optionally limits multiple sessions to a single device
- Optionally customize limits per userid
- Eliminates shared userid problems