An integrated set of management
and security tools for CICS

CICS-SSO simplifies the transfer of an active CICS session among applications. With CICS-SSO in place, a user logs into any CICS application as he or she would normally. But there’s no need to enter subsequent ID/password combinations to CICS applications. Users select applications from a CICS-SSO menu of pre-authorized applications. Applications can be local to the current CICS TOR, or remote in another CICS TOR.

The Single Sign-on Option for CICS
"... a secure menu facility that delivers single sign-on access to any CICS application on any MVS image."
A New England based insurance company operates a CICS configuration that includes a number of TORs distributed over several LPARs. For example, the CICS regions that host sales and marketing systems are installed in one LPAR, those that support claims tracking applications in another.
The challenge:
To provide easy, secure access to all applications a user has authorization to use.
The solution:
With CICS-SSO users sign on to a CICS region and select applications from a dynamic menu of pre-authorized entries. Applications may be local to the current CICS TOR, or remote in another CICS TOR. For remote applications, CICS-SSO passes the session to the remote applid, signs the user on to that region, and invokes the application. CICS-SSO replaces unnecessary sign-offs and sign-ons with PassTicket technology. CICS-SSO includes a customizable, secure menu facility that dynamically provides users with a list of applications they are authorized to access.
Bottom line:
A friendlier CICS user interface that improves security and productivity.
Features and Benefits:
- Delivers access to any CICS application on any MVS image with VTAM connection
- Reduces the number of manual logons and logoffs by automating unnecessary sign-ons
- Reduces end user mistakes when logging in (reducing calls to the help desk)
- Includes a customizable Secure Menu Facility that delivers a single image look to end users
- Continues to use your current sign-on procedures
- Supports customizable sub-menus and help text
- Creates a much friendlier user interface by reducing the need to remember CICS tranids or VTAM APPLIDs
- Eliminates CICS blank screens when the Auto-Menu feature is enabled
- Supports CICS transaction and program security as defined in RACF or ACF2
- Optionally define menu items to RACF or ACF2
- Reduces the number of manual logons and logoffs by automating unnecessary sign-ons